What is the most CP a new character can start with?

65 Character Points: 30CP (Base) + 30CP (Old Character Retirement) + 5 CP (Approved Background) ------------------------------------------- = 65 CP Anytime after your first game, you can spend 15 Brownie for 5CP, which is available once per character. Just add this to your expenditures form.

By |2022-08-16T15:47:28-05:00August 16th, 2022||Comments Off on What is the most CP a new character can start with?

How do I get access to the Discord areas for my character’s home world?

In the “OOP-General” chat of our server, make a quick post there requesting access and it will be granted. These areas, however, are only accessible to those who have actually been to an event, which simulates a character’s access to the people of the Fracture.

By |2022-07-29T07:18:37-05:00July 29th, 2022||Comments Off on How do I get access to the Discord areas for my character’s home world?

What starting equipment will my character have?

Every character begins with 20 Dregs worth of items, which are “sold” at the cost to create the item. These funds can be taken as weapons, armor, gems, alchemical items, or any tagged item whose cost is listed on the site. You can find a list of items your character could purchase under the Craft [...]

By |2022-07-29T07:16:49-05:00July 29th, 2022||Comments Off on What starting equipment will my character have?

Every player can buy 5 character points for their character with 15 Brownie Points. When can I do this?

You can do this at any time after your First Game. You can do it then or wait to do it later. You could, if you wanted to, want and spend for it a year from now. Just notate on your Expenditures form that you are buying it.

By |2022-08-16T15:36:36-05:00July 29th, 2022||Comments Off on Every player can buy 5 character points for their character with 15 Brownie Points. When can I do this?

I have submitted a character and joined the Discord Server but I don’t have access to the world-specific areas.

Introduce yourself on the out of play chat on the Discord Server. Include your character name and what setting you are playing from. However, we often don’t update these until a character sheet has been submitted, so we will probably check the Discord server when we build your character sheet.

By |2022-07-29T07:12:29-05:00July 29th, 2022||Comments Off on I have submitted a character and joined the Discord Server but I don’t have access to the world-specific areas.

How does my character come into game?

Usually, characters enter the game at the moment they come through a gate… in whatever state they entered the Fracture according to their back story. Events held at places other than state parks (like MomoCon, etc.) might require a different way to introduce your character if it is your first event. If you have a [...]

By |2022-07-29T07:12:10-05:00July 29th, 2022||Comments Off on How does my character come into game?

I have a costume/prop/character concept in mind but it isn’t historically accurate. Is it still allowed in game?

Fractured is –not- historical reenactment. We have fairies and goblins and magic and whatnot. While we sprinkle historical details in game for flavor, this is not a game about historical accuracy. Players should not feel compelled to adhere to any semblance of accuracy to anything except the settings as written. The Nightmare Dominancy is not [...]

By |2022-07-29T07:07:40-05:00July 29th, 2022||Comments Off on I have a costume/prop/character concept in mind but it isn’t historically accurate. Is it still allowed in game?

What “perks” are afforded to new players?

All first time players receive a discount of $15 off their first event. Thus, a one day event would be free, a two day event would be $15, and a three day event would be $30 for a first timer. Furthermore, all new players receive a “newbie module” designed to introduce characters to the Forest [...]

By |2022-07-29T07:03:01-05:00July 29th, 2022||Comments Off on What “perks” are afforded to new players?
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