If you have an idea for a special character concept, or find yourself enamored with one of the Shard World settings, let us know! We offer this as an encouragement to players who would like to volunteer their help with events. Each concept is developed with a member of Staff, and will contain specific story devices from your background should you choose to explore them. This is an opportunity to play something truly unique within the rules system. Each concept will have the final approval by staff to ensure it fits within the context of the Fracture and the rules system.



The player must attend as a full time volunteer or NPC for 6 full events at Fractured. These do not need to be consecutive, but must be completed before you are able to play the character.


Concept Ideas:

  • Play a non-PC character from an existing Home World
  • Play a character from an existing Shard World
  • Play a character from a Dead Fractured World
  • Play a character with access to an unusual advanced fighting style, magic school, or skill tree.


Submit Here

Contact us through fracturedlarp@gmail.com or staff contact form with:

  1. A general idea of your concept
  2. Your character background
  3. Your 5 CP for 15 Brownie purchase (optional)
  4. Your Character Build at 30 CP +5 (background) +5 (brownie) + X (retirement)