Level Cost Abilities Total*
Renown = Skill Level + Charismatic Trait
1 10 Inspiration: 1/Day (1 min; 1 Feat) 10
2 5 Long Performance (5 min; 2 Feats) 15
3 10 Inspiration: 2/Day 25
4 15 Grand Performance (15 min; 3 Feats) 40
5 20 Inspiration: 3/Day 60
6 25 Unique Performance 85
7 30 Inspiration: +1/Day —or— Legendary Performance 115
8 35 Muse —or— Pure Expression 150
9 40 Inspiration: +1/Day —or— Legendary Performance 190
10 45 Muse —or— Audience of One 235
11 50 Inspiration: +1/Day —or— Legendary Performance 285
12 55 Muse —or— Cult of Personality 340

*this is the total amount of cp spent on the skill at the corresponding level



As a performer increases in skill, they will develop a distinctive style and reputation. All downtime performance actions will increase a character’s general fame, which in turn increases the likelihood that non-player characters will recognize the performer and that they will be sought out by those seeking help, learning, or simple entertainment. Characters can use their Renown on downtime actions to declare when, where, and how they are performing, to various unpredictable results based on their skill and level of fame. Gaining fame titles takes progressively more downtime actions, such that only dedicated performers have a chance to reach the highest levels. 


Fame Titles: 

Well Known
Local Celebrity
Quite Famous
Storied Entertainer
Living Legend
Known in All Worlds



Performers are masters of Song (Singing and Playing Instruments), Oratory (Speech and Storytelling), or Revelry (Dance, Jesting, and Acting), and they may use their skill to do more than just entertain. Once per day for every odd level they have in this ability, they may truly give their all with a performance. Functionally, in order to activate an inspired performance, the performer must sing, speak, or dance for at least 1 minute, after which they loudly call out “Inspired Performance!” Any genuine ally who attends to this performance and decides they really like it (even if they just want its mechanical benefits), must clearly indicate such by applause, laughter, or other outpourings of approval; if such approval is not given by a particular character, the effect is not granted to that character. 

Upon taking inspiration from a performance, an audience member may restore one expended Feat of their choice. Characters that possess the Empathic ability, Rapport, restore an additional feat whenever they respond to an Inspired Performance of any kind. Performers get no direct mechanical benefit from their own performances.


Long Performance

This ability allows characters to improve the benefits of their inspiration effects when used with an extended performance. After performing for at least 5 minutes—instead of 1—the performer then calls “Long Performance!” The results of such a performance are effectively doubled; anyone who resonates with it may restore 2 Feats of their choice. A Long Performance still only uses up 1 inspiration slot. Long Performances often take the form of a couple of songs, a dance or three, or a nicely-developed story.


Grand Performance

Functions exactly like Long Performance, except that it takes a full 15 minutes of performing and restores 3 Feats, respectively. Only 1 inspired performance slot is expended, as with all inspired performance types. Grand Performances are very taxing, representing an epic tale, a whole series of dances, or many songs.


Unique Performance

This ability allows a character to undertake a performance with an extremely specific effect; Unique Performances can only be used with a particular performance type. Unique Performances are not generally part of the common “knowledge” of the performing arts; instead, they are the forgotten dances, the forbidden songs, and the bizarre tales of legend. Still, upon gaining this ability a character will receive, at their explicit request, a write-up of a small selection of unique performances that are reasonably common, allowing them to perform such. Beyond these, it is up to the performer to find them in game, discover them while performing on downtime, research them directly with Scholarship actions, or receive instruction from someone knowledgeable in them. 

The first time a character uses a particular Unique Performance in a given day does not expend an Inspired Performance slot. Any further use expends an inspired performance as normal. A character may know a maximum number of Unique Performances equal to their Renown.


Legendary Performance

Once per season (game year) a performer may summon up reserves of true inspiration such that they are able to give a performance whose power borders on the supernatural. This ability is only usable in the presence of a marshal, and is activated by the performer calling out “Legendary Performance,” after which the attending marshal calls a Hold. During this hold, which represents a preternatural lull in the action, the performer must engage in their art to the best of their ability. When Lay On is called, all of the performer’s genuine allies are granted spontaneous, renewed vigor, restoring all lost Prowess, Vitality, Feats, and skill-derived per-day abilities. Rituals are not activated nor are Charges gained, however.



A performer with this ability is able to provide sustained periods of enhanced creativity to others. As a downtime action, a character with Muse can declare that they are performing for a particular character. If that character acknowledges this partnership in their downtime form, they then receive a +2 bonus to all of their Derived abilities (Expertise, Research, etc.) for the session. Note that accepting the gift of a Muse does not take a downtime action, itself, though the Muse must spend one to perform. Every additional level of Muse adds another +2 to the above bonus.


Pure Expression

This ability represents a performer’s gift for tapping into the truest source of inspiration—the soul. Pure Expression allows a performer to spend an Inspiration as a FoCharisma or a FoEmpathy (called as “Pure Expression: Charismatic/Empathic”). As well, characters with this ability restore an additional feat when responding to an inspired performance, as per the Empathic ability, Rapport. Pure Expression and Rapport are cumulative, granting two extra restorations per inspiration to characters possessing both.


Audience of One

This ability marks a performer with a particularly introspective style. As a result, they can respond to their own performances just as their audience does. Indeed, they need not have an audience at all, in order to do so, though they must still perform for the required amount of time.


Cult of Personality

Some performers have that certain indefinable quality of talent (or ego) that attracts fame and notoriety. Practically speaking, characters that have Cult of Personality functionally double their Renown when using it—on downtime—to perform in public. Any bonus they might receive to Renown is similarly doubled in this circumstance. Performers with this ability are almost guaranteed to become well known throughout the Worlds.


A note for potential performers:

One of the cool things about a LARP is that you can showcase abilities you really have, in a very tangible way. To that end, we ask that performers actually have SOME proficiency with the method of performance they use. It tends to strain the immersion of an audience if it is expected that they respond approvingly to someone who is supposed to be a master performer, but who actually has little ability.