Before submitting your question, PLEASE read the following questions to see if it applies. Questions that are answered below will likely be ignored. We sincerely appreciate you double checking your question for clarity and coherence, anything we can’t comprehend or read will likely be ignored. We prioritize responses in the order of Staff Contact Form, Discord, and then email.

Also, please remember this game is run by volunteers who give up an incredible amount of time to ensure that you, the player, has fun.

The average response time for a question is 48 hours, however, this time is increased the closer to a game you get. Once again, every person behind the curtain is a volunteer and also has their own life to take care of, so please be patient and understanding.

Are you a new player looking for help?
Feel free to reach out to us! We also highly recommend you post on the Discord Server as well, as we have a very strong community who are glad to answer any new player questions or help your create your character.

Does your question ask for in-game knowledge?
If you are trying to ask for information relating to a topic in play (What would it take to talk to the King of the Underneath? Who leads the Darkling Stalkers? Do I know anything about the magic rituals of the Shyish? What did we learn in the investigation about the Silver Orb of Doom?), please save it for an investigation, or ask other players in play on the Discord Server. We will NEVER give out in-game information; any requests for such are strictly FOIP (find out in play) and automatically ignored.

Is your question a rules question?
Please visit the Discord Server and ask in our Rules section. Chances are, the question has been asked before, and someone might already have the answer you need! This also helps make sure we don’t answer the same questions over and over.

Is your question about your character sheet?
Send it in! Please let us know what isn’t making sense to you.