

Level  Cost Abilities  Total
Skill Affinity: Occult
1 —  Feat of Attunement: 1/day, Uncanny 
15 CP Feat of Attunement: 2/day, Prophetic  15 CP
30 CP  Feat of Attunement: 3/day, Esoteric  45 CP
45 CP  Greater Feats of Attunement, Wellspring  90 CP
60 CP  Heroic Feats of Attunement, Supernal  150 CP
75 CP  Legendary Mystery  225 CP


Feats of Attunement 

By focusing on their natural ties to magical forces, a character can use a feat of attunement to… 

resist any one magical effect. (called as “Attuned!”)
…immediately cast any spell the caster knows (see below)
…immediately reduce the activation cost of an Artifact by 1 charge, for 5 minutes 

Unless stated otherwise, using a feat of attunement is called as “Attuned!” or “Feat of  Attunement!” Spells cast with this ability must be called as “Attuned!” followed by the  regular verbal. The reduced cost for artifact activation does apply to other users, though only for 5 minutes, and this ability will not stack with itself; in any case, the minimum cost is 1 charge. Artifacts without charge requirements are unaffected by the feat.  



Attuned characters are naturally sensitive to the forces of magic and can detect its presence on items, people, and locations at will; this ability will reveal the immediate  presence and general potency of enchantments on a target without the user having to declare a formal Investigation (though of course they will need a Marshal’s presence).  As well, characters with this ability may actively use it to “divine” larger changes in ambient magical forces as a downtime action. The success/detail/relevance of the later ability is dependent upon the character’s Attuned level, though ritualistic use of objects or places of power may enhance their success. Only one action per downtime session may be used for this purpose.

Note that Uncanny visions cannot be directed in any way, nor can they be “focused” on a particular topic.



Characters with this ability gain an additional downtime action usable only for Uncanny divinations. Note that only once action per downtime session may be used for this purpose, as with Uncanny: this ability just allows the attuned character receive an uncanny vision without using one of their 3 standard actions.. As well, they may actively use it once per event to perform a ritual of their own devising in order to gain similar—though more powerful and immediate—insight in game. This ritual requires at least 10 minutes to perform and a marshal must be present during its entire duration.  



Characters with this ability are infused with mystical forces to such an extent that they gain a permanent +1 to their Mastery.  


Greater Feats of Attunement 

This ability increases both the scope and the power of any feats of attunement called by those who possess it; they have improved them to such an extent that they may spend one to…  

Force their Artifice ability, counting as +3 for 5 minutes.
…call “Invoke Force Lance 5” as a packet-delivered damaging effect.
…reduce the activation cost of an Artifact by 2 charges for 5 minutes. 



Characters with this ability are so suffused with magical energy that they double the time duration of all helpful enchantments cast upon them. In addition, they may receive spiritual Tokens without draining the power of the spirit in question. Finally, while in a Place of Power, characters with this ability gain a +3 bonus to their Mastery. 


Heroic Feats of Attunement 

This ability further increases both the scope and the power of any feats of attunement called by those who possess it; they have improved them to such an extent that they may spend one to…  

…reflect a hostile magical effect back at its caster (called as “True Reflect”).
…call “Invoke Force Lance 10” as a packet-delivered damaging effect.
…call an Arcane Might resist against a spell or effect cast using that same tagline.
…reduce the activation cost of an Artifact by 3 charges, for 5 minutes. 

True Reflection means that the effect does not take place on the target and instead affects the caster. Wards and Resists can be used by the original caster to negate the reflected spell, but True Reflected spells cannot be defended against by combat maneuvers. True Reflected spells may not be True Reflected again.



Characters with this ability have their entire beings suffused with magic, enabling them to spend the natural feats of any of their other traits as Feats of Attunement of any level. In addition, while in a Place of Power, their Wellspring mastery bonus increases to +6. 


Legendary Mystery

This potent ability allows a character to restore their Feats of Attunement after 10 minutes of standard rest. In addition, all packet-based effects that successfully target them have their Mastery/damage level/persistent condition level reduced to 1 (called as “reduce!”). Magical effects that do not use the above (fear, fascination, rebuke, etc.) are unaffected. Arcane Might effects are not reduced by Legendary Mystery.


Level  Cost Abilities  Total
Synergy Bonus = Trait Level 
1 —  Feat of Empathy: 1/day, Medium 
15 CP Feat of Empathy: 2/day, Rapport  15 CP
30 CP  Feat of Empathy: 3/day, Harmon 45 CP
45 CP  Greater Feats of Empathy, Pure of Heart  90 CP
60 CP  Heroic Feats of Empathy, Pure of Spirit  150 CP
75 CP  Legendary Affinity  225 CP



A character with this ability may help others directly with downtime actions, adding their Empathic level to the Derived Ability of the skill being used for that specific action. Each Synergy action takes up a normal downtime slot, and the Empath must have at least level 1 in the Skill that is being used in order to grant their bonus. Only Empathic characters may directly help others with skill-based downtime actions. 


Feats of Empathy 

By focusing their emotional and spiritual affinity, a character can use a feat of empathy to…  

…calm an animal or group of animals
…immediately Stabilize a Critical character with 3 seconds of soothing speech
…increase the healing rate of an already Stable character (3 seconds of speech) 

All empathic feat effects, at any level, which require 3 seconds of speaking also require  that those words be heartfelt, earnest, and full of emotion. 



Characters with this ability may see, and freely converse with, immaterial beings.  



This ability reflects an Empath’s innate resonance with the products of emotional expression. Whenever someone with Rapport actively responds to an Inspired Performance or other Inspiration effect of any type, they may restore one extra expended feat.  



Characters with this ability get a free downtime action slot usable only for Synergy actions. 


Greater Feats of Empathy 

This ability increases both the scope and the power of any feats of empathy called by those who possess it; they have improved them to such an extent that they may spend one to… 

…double a character’s Poison/Disease death count (3 seconds of speaking)
…halve a character’s Blindness or Stillness suffering time (3 seconds of speaking)
…double a soul’s passing time (3 seconds of speaking)
…grant a Mental Resist to another (3 seconds of speaking) 

The Mental Resist a Greater Feat of Empathy grants is treated as an enchantment, meaning that it will not stack with other enchantment-based Mental Resists.  


Pure of Heart 

Characters with this ability may increase the healing rate of a Stabilized character without using a feat at all. Otherwise, the ability is used as if they have spent a basic feat. 

In addition, a character with this ability can declare one other character—with their express permission—as Bonded to them. Whenever one of the Bonded pair is in  trouble, the other may well receive intuitions concerning them. Bonded characters can interact with each other’s abilities in ways that will be FOIP. The bond is permanent until  one of the pair dies permanently or an extremely traumatic event severs it.  


Heroic Feats of Empathy 

This ability further increases both the scope and the power of any feats of empathy called by those who possess it; they have improved them to such an extent that they may spend one to…  

…force an immaterial being within 15’ to materialize, as an irresistible effect, and to remain so for 5 minutes (“Heroic Empathy: Reveal!”)
…grant a magic resist to another (3 seconds of speaking).
…resist any magical effect called by a spirit or accursed creature of any kind. 

The Magical Resist a Heroic Feat of Empathy grants is treated as an enchantment, meaning it will not stack with other enchantment-based magic resists. 


Pure of Spirit 

Characters with this ability are so in-tune with spiritual forces that they may affect immaterial creatures and wandering souls as if they were material beings. Any series of actions taken in this way must be prefaced with “Pure of Spirit,” so that the player of the spirit-being knows that they are being correctly targeted. As well, characters with this ability add 2 to the damage of all Power Strikes called against the Accursed or against Spirits of any sort. Finally, Pure of Spirit allows Empaths to calm animals, as the basic feat, without actually using a feat at all.  


Legendary Affinity 

This potent ability allows a character to restore their Feats of Empathy after 10 minutes of standard rest. In addition, the Empath is considered to be friendly and non-hostile to a great many creatures. In order to use this ability, the character must announce “Affinity” while in the presence of either Spirits, Animals, or Accursed Creatures. Creatures so affected cannot actively harm the character unless the character has caused violence to the creature, or the creature has a personal vendetta against the character. 

As a note, this is NOT a mental effect. 

If the character actually knows any spells that have similar effects, taking this ability will allow them to replace them with another spell pick(s).


Level  Cost Abilities  Total
Skill Affinity: Diplomacy, Performance 
1 —  Feat of Charisma: 1/day, Leadership
15 CP Feat of Charisma: 2/day, Cosmopolitan 15 CP
30 CP  Feat of Charisma: 3/day, Retainer 45 CP
45 CP  Greater Feats of Charisma, Patron  90 CP
60 CP  Heroic Feats of Charisma, Sovereignty  150 CP
75 CP  Legendary Charm  225 CP


Skill Affinity 

For every level in this trait, a character adds 1 to their Influence and Renown, assuming they have at least 1 level in the relevant skill.  


Feats of Charisma 

By focusing their innate charm, a character can use a feat of charisma to…  

…force any number of people or intelligent monsters to listen to their words, as a Mental effect, for at least 1 minute
…immediately talk someone within 15′ out of an adverse mental condition with a few words (3 seconds of speaking). 

Any character, spirit, or intelligent creature who hears a Charismatic call their feat (“Feat  of Charisma” or “Charismatic”) must stop what they are doing and listen to them for at least 1 minute, as a Mental effect, even if they mean the speaker direct harm. NPCs will  likely take this ability use into account when dealing with the character, afterwards. This effect is dispelled if the speaker flees or attacks anyone during its duration, or if the affected character is attacked by anyone through any means.

The second ability is called as “Charismatic Sense,” and must be directed at a character suffering a mental condition within 15′ of the user. This use of the feat must be  immediately followed by a few quick words (3 sec.), after which the target is cured of all mental conditions. During the short speech, the target must stop what they are doing so that they can pay attention to the speaker.  



Characters with this ability may optionally undertake ANY downtime action as a charismatic leader as long as it has a social component. Doing so will magnify the action’s positive effects if it is a success…or its negative ones, if a failure. Only those with this ability, in addition, can truly lead in-game factions involving NPCs, as a mechanical requirement. 



This ability grants a character an additional downtime action slot, usable  only for Diplomacy, Performance, and Retainer actions (see below).  



Due to their undeniable charisma, characters with this ability gain a loyal  retainer whose influence requires no manipulation. This Retainer will likely show up in game from time to time, but the real focus of this ability is to have an NPC who acts as the character dictates during downtime actions. A Retainer can be chosen from a character’s background, from one of the NPCs in game with whom they have had dealings (subject to plot approval), or wholly through downtime interactions with off screen personas. Mechanically, Retainers will have roughly 50% of their leader’s CP and can be directed—to some degree—to focus their learning on certain skills and traits. If a retainer is lost, this ability allows the character to find another through role-playing opportunities. Note that retainers are people, not automatons, and don’t always act with perfect obedience.

For every downtime action slot a character dedicates to a “Retainer Action,” they can have that NPC do just about anything a regular character can do with a normal downtime action, while using the NPC’s abilities instead: mercantile speculation, crafting, tinkering,  performance, etc. At most, however, a Retainer can be directed in 3 actions per downtime session.  


Greater Feats of Charisma 

This ability increases both the scope and the power of any feats of charisma called by those who possess it; they have improved them to such an extent that they may spend one to…  

…force any number of people or intelligent monsters to listen to their words, for at least 5 minutes, as a mental effect.
…immediately talk all allies in hearing range out of all adverse mental conditions, as the lesser effect (“Greater Charismatic Sense”).
…decisively sway an ambivalent NPC to their side, with at least 1 minute’s conversation. 



This ability allows a character to declare a powerful NPC as their patron, who will then frequently give the player gifts, assistance, and information during downtime sessions…in return for loyalty. If a patron is lost, this ability allows the character to find  another through role-playing opportunities.  


Heroic Feats of Charisma 

This ability further increases both the scope and the power of any feats of charisma called by those who possess it; they have improved them to such an extent that they may spend one to…  

…prevent any in earshot of the character from attacking them for 1 hour, as an ongoing mental effect, subject to the charismatic breaking the peace;
requires no speech from the character except the feat call itself (“Heroic Charisma!”). During the duration of this  effect, those under it function as if they were suffering a mental condition, which means  they can be “cured” of it through other feats of charisma, magic, etc. 



A character with this ability has such native charisma that they inspire near fanatical devotion in their followers. Any Diplomacy or Performance downtime action undertaken as a Leader (see above) is done with a +6 bonus. As well, the character’s retainer becomes much more focused and dedicated; the NPC now has a base of roughly 75% of their sovereign’s total CP.  


Legendary Charm 

This ability allows a character to restore their Feats of Charisma after 10 minutes of standard rest. In addition, Legendary Charm grants complete immunity to all Mental effects as a permanent ability, and it adds 1 to the number of feats restored by  Inspirations, in much the same way as Rapport (the effects stack).