Fractured is –not- historical reenactment. We have fairies and goblins and magic and whatnot. While we sprinkle historical details in game for flavor, this is not a game about historical accuracy. Players should not feel compelled to adhere to any semblance of accuracy to anything except the settings as written. The Nightmare Dominancy is not actually supposed to be Victorian London nor is the Empire of Perfect Unity actually Confucian China. Obviously, a pocket watch isn’t appropriate for characters from the Abyss of the Lost, but, by the same token, players of characters from the WineDark Seas are free to design their own heraldic coats of arms without the constraints of actual historical heraldry. We do ask that players still remain however within the bounds of the setting and of course not to deliberately flaunt our rejection of historicism. If it is lame, we reserve the right to reject it.